Jan 14, 2008
Outsourced Wombs : $444 Million Industry Opportunity - you don't want to miss !!
For all the wall-street economists, global enterpreneurs, and possible movie makers too (remember Chicken run!) out there, here seems a NY Times story line with a 444 million dollar industry burgeoning that will show the true strength of globalization !!
I as an Indian-born American enterpeneuer, see a golden once-in-a-life-time opportunity here, and can't believe it's so similar to IT success stories. I surely needs to get in before those Chinese get their hands in to the pot here. Here is business plan (don't copy it!!), but will be glad to join hands with any venture capital firms (Hello, Palo Alto!)
1. Open my company, BABYSYS immediately
2. Do a massive recruiting drive in India
Basic qualifications, simple ! will have be to be a woman of 20-40 yrs with an empty womb (last time we counted there are atleast close to 100 million out there so poor and bored wondering how to make money - so we don't see any supply shortages!).
3. They will be assigned projects of 12 months-duration, 9 month active (on-womb) at our location & 3 months bench period (off-womb) back at their home, before they comeback for next project.
Our consultants will meet the overseas client's most stringent requirements (for eg foods, activity, type of hollywood movies to watch etc..) to ensure the final deliverable, aka a bouncing baby, meets their expectations above & beyond delivered on-time.
4. Our Unique selling proposition (USP) will be that we will provide ut-most level5 quality product.
Some of the key initiatives will be for example, exceeding multi-vitmamin nourishment standards as recommended by FDA, on-site random inspections by specialist medical teams. Consultants will have incentive strucuture that pay for performance, eg deliver twins etc. they get paid bonuses, where as if they miscarry, they're fired !
5. Client service : will be our motto !
all overseas clients will be submitted with glossy portfolios of available consultants prior to the engagement we commit to product delivery on-time, monthly online status and project progress reports, and ofcourse a fine bubbling deliverable that comes certified at the end of the project duration.
6. We could also offer additional Premium features
- Silver clients will get fancy color charts of ultra-sounds, access to web-site that shows live video, audio & vital signals ; Gold client will be arranged face-to-face session with consultant during engagement ; Platinum clients will get unlimited visitation rights, and consultant will travel overseas to meet face-to-face prior to engagement. We could also plan post delivery support in terms of child & health care at a very nominal annual fee for next 2o yrs.
7. Competition : I can see soon on same model competition from
US-mulination corps like all-familiar BBM, BDS, Banture etc., and ofcourse the ubiquitous Chinese, Russians etc.. but I do think there is enough of pie out there for every one of us, especially looking at the projections of infertility trends in US and other G-7 countries.
Don't you see another great global trade success story !
BTW with regards to morality in this, c'mon folks does anyone any more care ?
We, the collective world, in the name of development, world trade, globalization have come sofar down this slippery slope that we don't and can't even want to think about moral issues.
Materialism and brutal capitalism at any cost will only seem to win... there seems to be a price for everthing including mother's love, and morality of course, will always be good to discuss on blogs or discussion boards. (Sorry for being cynical !)
"When a man dwells in his mind on the object of sense, attachment to them is produced. From attachment springs desire and from desire comes anger. From anger arises bewilderment, from bewilderment loss of memory; and from loss of memory, the destruction of intelligence and from the destruction of intelligence he perishes" - Bhagavad Gita
Jan 8, 2008
2008 - the tipping point ??
Facts :
- As we end year 2007, Wall Street's five largest brokerage firms will dole out a new-record $38 billion in year-end bonuses.
- "Shareholders in the securities industry are having their worst year since 2002," Bloomberg News observes, "losing $74 billion of their equity."
Check the stock performance of these companies to see how they well (or worse !) they did (GS, MER, MS, LEH, BSC) . Now you decide what in the world would deserve such a bonus payout !!
- As recently as ten years ago, the bonus pool for New York City's finance-company employees totaled less than 90% of the net income of NYSE brokerage firms. Today, the relative size of the bonus pool has doubled to about 180% of net income....
Now you know where to find a job for yourself, or if you are too old (like me!) to start a new career, at least you know where to look for putting your Kids to work !
Ok, let's see "How much is $38 billion?" in real perspective..
- $38 billion is three times more money than the entire world spent on humanitarian aid last year.
- $38 billion is twice the sum necessary to provide basic health care to every child in the world, and three times the sum necessary to provide clean drinking water to every child in the world.
- $38 billion is seven times more than the annual budget of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), America's principal agency for cancer research.
- And here is the kicker .. it is more money than Wall Street's five largest brokerage firms – combined – earned during the last 12 months. $38 billion is also more than the combined earnings of these five firms during all of 2004 AND 2005.
On the same token, let's compare it to some of annual world expenditures.
Did you know the world spends every year..
- $59 billion on golf ,
- $118 billion on wine,
- $794 billion either waging war or preparing to wage war.
"The world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its labourers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children...this is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of fire." - quote from President Dwight Eisenhower
Finally as Eric Fry puts it beautifully... The stewards of public companies do not deserve mega-million bonuses. Not once, not twice, not ever. They are the EMPLOYEES of public companies that are OWNED by the shareholders. They are not the lords of their domain with the right to tax the productivity of the shareholder/serfs. The era of the overpaid corporate stewards is corrupting and crippling American dynamism. Excessive compensation schemes like this only help to legitimize extreme socio-economic disparities. As such, these schemes work to squander the nation's collective "sweat," "genius," and "hopes"...just like warfare.
Kudos Wallstreet, I like where we are going .. Happy new year 2008 !!
Signinig off...